Many people are focused on Halloween this evening, but October 31st also marks the final day of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Breast cancer can afflict men, but it is primarily a disease that touches the lives of women. While some elements of dentistry are gender-irrelevant (basic tooth decay and gum disease) tendencies differ between the males and females of our species. Women have some completely different risk factors for periodontal disease than men. Much of this has to do with the fluctuating hormones during various times in a woman’s life. Your Katy, TX dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, would like to provide more information for female patients.
Gum Disease Risk for Women
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that nearly 50% of American adults over the age of 30 have some level of periodontal disease. Periodontitis is the most severe form. Periodontal pockets are a side effect of severe gum disease, which is also the leading cause of adult tooth loss. How does it all start? Think plaque. When you have plaque buildup and fail to clean it off completely, it settles at your gumline and hardens into tartar within 48 hours. Your gums will start to become irritated, inflamed, and infected. Early gum disease is treatable, meaning we can stop the condition from progressing. However, no form of periodontal disease is completely curable at this time.
Hormones and Dental Health
Puberty, pregnancy, and menopause represent three very different hormonal milestones in a woman’s life. In addition to increasing the risk of periodontal disease, pregnancy is also a time when certain procedures are off limits for the safety of the fetus. Due to this fact, maintaining good oral hygiene (brushing and flossing) is more important than ever. This can sometimes be easier said than done when morning sickness is one of your symptoms. Do your best to brush as often as possible, and if you do get sick, rinse your mouth with water to flush out acids that can erode your tooth enamel. Regular checkups and cleanings throughout every stage of a woman’s life give Dr. Gennero a chance to assess warning signs early on so hormonally induced dental health issues can be dealt with.
Schedule an Appointment with Your Katy, TX Dentist
Ready for a checkup or cleaning from Dr. Gennero? Make an appointment with your Houston cosmetic dentist today. Dr. Gennero offers the latest in general and cosmetic dentistry. Contact our Houston dentist office by calling (281) 578-6200.